Søren Lund Skeie

Hi! My name is Søren Lund Skeie. This is my website.


I am an undergraduate studying mathematics at the University of Copenhagen.



LaTeX + (Neo)Vim

If you want ideas/inspiration on writing TeX-files (quickly) with (Neo)Vim (R.I.P. Bram Moolenaar) or in a university setting you might want to check out Gilles Castels (R.I.P.) blog posts.


I e.g. have the following LaTeX .cls-files in my TEXMFHOME: If you are using TeX Live, don't know what TEXMFHOME is and you use custom TeX-files (e.g. .cls, .sty or .bib files), look into it! Once you have a conceptual understanding of a texmf tree the following might be useful: Find your TEXMFHOME using:
$ kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME
If you add/rename files in your TEXMFHOME remember to run
$ mktexlsr /path/to/TEXMFHOME
for the changes to take effect and remember to follow the TDS!



If you have never tried using Linux I would recommend trying Fedora Linux if your life permits it (check e.g. This video). Just find a tutorial on how to install it (e.g. This video) and try! - it's free and open source! (The distribution does not matter as long as it is beginner-friendly)


Here are some selected dotfiles.


Here is my public GPG key. (as a .md-file)